YUMMY GRATITUDE: 9 Things You Might Not Be Grateful For (But Need to Be Anyway)


So, you thank your lucky stars for all the great things in your life.  Then you curse the world for the things you don’t want.  Let me show you how to heap some Yummy Gratitude on all of it!

Imagine being grateful for everything that happens to you.  Wouldn’t that be the yummiest feeling ever?  Wouldn’t you have more peaceful relationships, less anxiety and delicious self-esteem?  Let’s get you started on this path by addressing 9 areas of your life where I know you struggle to find gratitude.  We all do.  Let me show you my process for getting from grumbling and complaining to getting my thanks on everyday.

If you are not moving steadily in the direction of what you want and have run out of people/things/situations to blame, it’s time to recalibrate your gratitude and start being that in-control, fabulous person who lives each day in peace and freedom.


•  60-page downloadable Yummy Gratitude ebook

•. PDF format compatible with any desktop, laptop and mobile device

•  BONUS 9-Day Guide to Getting Your Thanks ON




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