

Living With Low Love


When we are not feeling love, more than likely we are feeling fear.  Fear comes in many shapes and sizes.  It can being a frozen feeling, an anxious feeling, lack of confidence feeling, feeling indifferent, apathy  or a scared feeling.  Love has a difficult time living in these feelings since they cut us off from love.    We need to be able to acknowledge that we have the fear before we can feel love.  The most important way to heal is by feeling the fear, then feeling the love.

The Benefits of High Love


Love is the answer.  Love is what makes the world go around. Love is the key.  Love is all we have.  Love is who we are.  Tap into your heART after reading those statements. Your heart is expanding with love, joy, and smiles.  This love is always available but we must take the time to feel this love. 


Tips for Microdosing Love


1. Start each day with self-love.  Breathing in love and exhaling love.  Love for yourself, love for others and love for your life.  Stay with the love for 5 minutes, 10 or 20 minutes.  Nurture yourself in love.

2. Take this feeling of love with you throughout your day.  Breathing, sharing with yourself and others.  Carry a reminder LOVE card.  Drink a special love tea, eat a piece of dark chocolate.  Remind yourself that you are love and you are loved.

3. Go to sleep at night reminding yourself that love is who you are and that love is the answer in your life.    

Download Your Free Love Coloring Card

